Everybody is aiming to become like one of the top 500 fortune companies, who wouldn’t right? Profit wise they are making the largest revenue worldwide. Everybody have a shot of becoming like these companies but hard work, perseverance and the right attitude is needed. That may be years from but if always remember that success is best savored if you work hard for it.

However, not everything about the 500 fortune companies takes time. You can actually take enjoy what their office telephone system is giving them at a fraction of the cost. With the help of VoIP technologies you too can have your long desired sophisticated office telephone system whilst still sticking to your budget.

Here are just some of the many features you can fully customize to suit your every requirement and will help you carry out your business processes just like the top 500 fortune companies.

Professional greeting message – Don’t have an attendant? No worries, with VoIP office telephone systems you can record your own greeting message or hire a voice actor to do it for you coupled with professional sounding background music you’ll surely entice and impress all your callers.

Menu system – Have different departments? Save you staff’s time and your customer’s time by directing them to the concerned department straight away with a menu system. Integrate it with your office phone system and see what difference it can make.

On hold messages – it is sometime inevitable to put a caller on hold or in queue. Entertain your callers with a customized on hold messages and open a door for an up sell opportunity by introducing your other products and services in the on hold messages.

Ring group or line hunt – Make sure that all your callers are serviced by your staff in the least waiting time as possible. With a ring group or the so called line called all your calls are directed in a queue system that will automatically transfer to a representative as soon as one becomes available.

Recorded help messages – Help your customers and save your staff’s time by recording simple instructions about your products and services. Integrate with your menu system so your customers can easily access it when needed.

These are just some of the features you can enjoy with VoIP – and the best part is all are readily accessible despite running a budget on your office telephone system.

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