Running hotel entails a lot of responsibilities, you have to ensure that your guest experience superb relaxation, luxury and comfort throughout their stay. One solution that can help you improve your customer’s experience as well as attracting more customers to your business is by streamlining your communication system.

An office telephone system plays a pivotal role in making sure that internal and external communication is up to speed and is available when you need it. With that said, here is a quick overview on how hotel rooms can maximize office telephone systems whilst still cutting down cost.

Unlimited extension capabilities – It is important for hotel rooms to have their own extensions, so it is just a must to seek an office telephone system that offers the ability to add an unlimited number for extensions without paying for any extra cost.

Unlimited outgoing lines – You cannot predict when a guest will place a call. There will be quiet periods wherein no one is actually using the phone whilst there may be a time when everyone is trying to call out. So it is also a must to acquire a business phone system that will offer unlimited calling lines at absolutely no additional cost. This will ensure that your guest will always be able to pick up the phone and call out.

Line sharing – Although it is not very often that your guests will receive incoming phones calls It is still a must for you to have enough lines just in case the phones get a little busy. By sharing incoming lines across the reception and the hotel rooms you are guaranteed that lines will be pulled where it is needed the most during busy time whilst saving money from line rentals.

Smart call transfer options – It is a common scenario in hotels that callers get in touch with reception rather than directly dialing the extension allocated to the person they are looking for. So, it is a must for your receptionist to be able to transfer the call in a manner called the attendant transfer wherein she calls the guest first and ask whether they wish to receive the call or not before transferring it to them.

Automated booking system – Whilst the internet is the main avenue for booking a hotel these days it still pays to have an automated phone booking system in place. This will cater to individuals who are not fond of the internet.

CRM Integrated – Centralization is the key in running a hospitality business. You need to have all information spot when the guest request for it so it is only a must to have a CRM integrated with your phones. A CRM does all the storing and sorting files and the phone does all the communication – a perfect combination.

8/31/2014 10:13:26 pm

This will ensure that your guest will always be able to pick up the phone and call out.


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