We all know that communication is important in any business and restaurants are no exemption to the rule. Apart from remarkable marketing strategy, good menu and courteous staff a good and reliable office telephone system is to conveniently take delivery orders, accept reservations and possibly book birthdays parties and other functions.

Ideally here’s how a Restaurant’s office telephone system should be set up:

Professional greeting message – greet your customer with a professionally designed greeting message, so even if your receptionist is busy assistant walk in customers, callers will still receive high quality service. Additionally, a greeting message can help improve customer impression. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes, where are you likely to order your dinner, a restaurant that greets you when you call them up or a restaurant that immediately tries to grab your order?

Menu system – connect your customers to right person instantly with a menu system. Ideally at least 3 or 4 options are enough to accommodate all the departments of a restaurant.  It is ideal that you allocate an option for, orders, information, corporate and at times the kitchen. This will ensure that all possible queries of a customer will be serviced by your departments accordingly without having to transfer the call.

On hold messages – as part of an up sell strategy it is important that you integrate your products and services with your on hold messages. A caller might be trying to book a dinner but is looking for a function for next week’s business conference may not realize you have one. With the help of on hold messages you can open the door for bigger sales opportunity without having to lift a finger.

Automated booking system – Well, this feature is optional but if you have always dreamt of having a sophisticated office telephone system that will do most of the work for you then this feature is what you have been waiting for.

Cloud recording capabilities – To ensure the quality of service your staff is providing it is also a must to record all phone call conversation and be able to retrieve anywhere you are. The Cloud call recording feature will let you download or listen to the recordings from any computer and at times even from your smart phones. On top of that, the recordings can also be used to verify orders, bookings and function details.

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